Mp3-Box V2.1 Help

First use

After you started Mp3-Box you must give one or more path's with mp3, wav, midi or Ra files. Mp3-Box ALWAYS searches for directories called Mp3-Box which can be made in the root of any drive. You can use these Mp3-Box directories for CD-Rom use, so Mp3-Box searches automatic all audiofiles on a Cd-Rom with Mp3-Box structure!

Adding files

You must import new audio files into Mp3-Box with the Add new files button. In the new window, you click on one of the found files. Then you want to check the file by clicking Play. You can check the file if it's complete by clicking Last 5 seconds. If not, or if you don't want the file you can click on delete. If you like the file, you can enter the artist name, and see if the song is not already imported in the up-right listbox. (You get a list of titles of the artist you entered.) If not, enter the title and genre and press enter to complete. For adding more files, follow the same steps.

Deleting files

You can delete files from Mp3-Box by dragging the files from the playlist over the delete button. You can delete a playlist (not the HTML playlist and the *.fpl) by dragging and dropping it on the delete button.


You can play the imported files by drag and drop. Drag the songs to the playlist window to add them to the playlist. You can use the Next, Play/Pause, Previous and Stop buttons like a regular player to play the playlist. While playing, you can add the songs you like. By dragging the songs from the left Titles listbox and drop them on the Next button, it will be added in the playlist at the position below the song which is playing.


You can search every song just by typing the artist name, songtitle or just a part of the songtitle. If you found the song(s) you like, you can drag and drop it (them) to the playlist as described above. You can select a genre first to search only the selected genre.


You can skip within the song by clicking or dragging the play time indicator above the Playlist listbox.


Press the display button to change the time display from Song play-time to Song time-played to Playlist time played.

Save Playlist

Use the Save playlist button to save the playlist, and use the playlist window with drag and drop to the playlist window to load a saved playlist. If you click on a playlist, the path where you can find the playlist will show up for 2-4 seconds!

HTML Playlist

Mp3-Box can make a HTML playlist for local files or for the internet. For the internet, give the url where the files can be found (The url where you plan to copy the files from your playlist to). A *.fpl file is made with all the path's and the filenames, so you can easy find all the files on your computer.


With options (menu) you can select which file types to use.

New Paths

With New Paths (menu) you let Mp3-Box search for files in the given paths.


Press at the Selected button to play the last 3 seconds of every song in the playlist to check if they're complete. Press Stop/Play for normal play.


You can contact the authur by E-Mail at for questions and/or bug report.